Leading Ladies Of… Leadership Lab

A Monthly Forum for Leading Ladies Of… to come together in pursuit of leadership and networking

Are you ready to create a global network of women and male allies who are stepping up their leadership?  Then join us at our monthly Leadership Lab, where we learn and network together.  Our content will focus on topics designed to leverage your leadership, catapult your confidence, and enhance your contribution to your company.

How Does It Work?

  • 15 minutes of training
  • 30 minutes of learning from our panels of leaders
  • 15 minutes Q&A
  • Optional: 30 minutes peer networking in multiple break-out groups

What Are The Topics?

Our topics align with our mission: expanding female leadership from the ground up, and will fall under our three strategic pillars of Brave Hearts, Bold Voice, Big Change.

We Want Your Input!  Is there a topic you’d love to see featured?  Would you like to be a presenter?  Contact fiona@mckayunlimited.com

When Does It Happen?

2nd Thursday Of Every Month, 60-90 min.

Start time: 07.30 am PST | 10.30 am EST | 03.30 pm GMT | 04.30 pm CEST

What is the Investment?

$15 per session OR $100 Annual Membership*
*Annual Members will be able to access all recordings including recordings of the annual summit & complimentary access to Monthly Leadership Lab and many more.

First session complementary – Contact LeadingLadies@mckayunlimited.com for Discount Code

Next Leadership Lab

Jan 5th Leadership Lab

Emotional Resilience for the Workplace

Examples Of Past Leadership Labs – Nuggets Of Wisdom